Creativity Delivered.

We believe that powerful ideas are at the heart of work that makes an impact. We cultivate meaningful connections through intelligent strategy, memorable storytelling and beautiful design by ensuring the perfect blend of talent, experience and enthusiasm.

We work with brands and businesses that are committed to innovation and changing the world.


My Great Hair Company

Complete Branding & Identity


My Great Hair Company was born out of the collaborative understanding of the client’s vision for the brand. We were approached to market the launch of a book, however with in-depth sessions on the marketing strategy, we proposed an entirely holistic concept to feed a need as well as solidify client’s long term vision. Founded in history, we developed the name, My Great Hair Company by paying homage to products that already existed. My Great Hair Company invites the end user to engage with a perspective grounded in history and hair love at a time when, the understanding of natural black hair is still evolving. The cultural perspective set the foundation for the development of the new visual identity. With this, the tagline, Beautifully Rooted evolved and we’re so very proud of it.


Meticulously Crafted


MGHC reflects the exuberant history of the many types of natural black hair through a modern take on hair to embody the significance in understanding the many variations of coils and textures. Here we formulated a symbiotic relationship between hair textures and proposed brand patterns. This was definitely the inspiration in developing all elements and applications for the brand.


Packaging & Design


As an e-commerce platform, the design of packaging need special attention. The anticipation of having that ‘feel good’ and ‘proud’ experience remained at the forefront of how we anticipated the client experience. It was meticulously designed to encapsulate the overall aesthetic of the brand and community paying close attention to look, feel, attachment and memorable experience. Design remained clean and subtle but extremely impactful maintaining elegant and interesting detail.



Naming | Brand Identity | Logo Design | Package Design | Tagline | Stationery Design | Social Media Design | Intellectual Content | Brand Applications | Stationery Design | Website Design
