Creativity Delivered.

We believe that powerful ideas are at the heart of work that makes an impact. We cultivate meaningful connections through intelligent strategy, memorable storytelling and beautiful design by ensuring the perfect blend of talent, experience and enthusiasm.

We work with brands and businesses that are committed to innovation and changing the world.


Happi Monni

An Educational Financial Tool for Young People


In a cashless world, kids experience difficulties learning about finance and understanding the real value of money. Enforcing parental control without the restrictive nature of physical money can also be difficult.

HappiMonni is a unique and well-curated, educational family banking tool designed for young people that helps parents teach children the value of money in a digital age. The entire experience has been designed to rethink how kids approach money and banking and how parents manage budgeting and allowances. HappiMonni encourages families to learn together, so parents can actively educate, motivate and empower their kids financially.

